So my trip to Dresden is finished; here are my highlights...
***Getting to know Markus and Andrea better. Guys it was fantastic to just hang out and have fun. I can't wait to see you again hopefully very soon!
***Seeing Moneybrother live. If they aren't huge in the next 5 years I'll eat my jumper.
***Relaxing and spending time with God. Been journaling lots and taking the oportunity to review the summer. 2005 has been strange; lots of changes. Been quite a sad and stretching year for me; it was good to process that with God and start to look at the future.
***Still really digging the story of Esther. Think she's my new old testemant hero!
***Visiting Herrnhut and being touched by the normality of it.
***Going the best whysky bar in Dresden! Deeeeelicious!
***Eating a McRib for breakfast! My family will be sooo jealous; we used to have them flown over to the UK.
***Meeting Trent Sheppard. Felt like meeting an old friend (bizzarely!) Trent - it was great to hang out. You spoke sooo well (I was actually pacing and chearing at the back). So much of what you shared is happening in 24-7 at the moment; the symetry was very exciting!
***Speaking at the King Kids conference. I was bricking it, but I did enjoy it; Markus made it a lot of fun. Ended up speaking twice, they sprung another talk on me Sunday morning; only a short one so I think it was ok.
***Staying up late drinking wine with Jonah, Markus, Andrea, Trent, Micha and Dorle.
***Sharing a room with Andrea! Hurrah! Great to giggle together!
***Walking in the dark listening to Chase Reeves on my ipod. Soothing!
***Chatting with Dorle all the way to Cologne. It was really lovely to get a chance to know you better. Thank you both for your hospitality! Micha - I hope you feel better soon!
***The sleep, it sounds strange but I slept great zzz...
***Getting excited about 24-7 again. I kinda got a bit numb to how amazing it is that God's working in this community. I guess I had other things on my mind; but Dare04 well and truly reminded me how priviledged I am...
So Plymouth, Dresden and Dare2004 down, Seville, London and Harpenden to go!
peace xc