You wouldn't think it possible but last night a small group of us discovered just how good at lieing and sneaking we are, by throwing a surprise Birthday party for Charlotte and Bex! They were totally gobsmacked, really shocked; mainly because their birthday's had been and gone at the weekend, but that was all part of the cunning plan!
It was a great night! The girls were really touched (I'm still amazed they didn't suspect a thing). A great time was had by all and a hard core few stayed to dance the night away. I gave charlotte a silver belt that jingles when you shake you hips. For the rest of the evening, she made beautiful music!
It did make me realise how our social lives have moved on in the last 4/5 years. 5 years ago we were all hanging out in Grove rd til 3am; I have vivid memoried of dragging myself to Ballet after 4 hours sleep and trying to look graceful. Now we party hard and go home to bed by 11! It was quite nice though. Those of us who stayed later had an excellent DJ (Muchos Gracias Senore Terrace!) all to ourselves and Bex grabbed me and said "I love this, I feel like we're dancing in my lounge." For those of you a little confused, that is a good thing!
Thank you to everyone who helped by gathering photos, decorating the room, bringing drinks and food and staying to the end to help clean up. Girls we love you! Happy Birthday!