Aaaaaahhhh!!!!!! I am soooo excited I just found out that the 6th book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, is finished and will be released on the 16th July 2005! You don't know how shallow I feel at being so excited by this piece of news!
I got into Potter spotter after all the fuss that got kicked up about the 5th book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. You should have seen all the hoohah on 24-7 talkback. I decided that seeing as I love The Lord of the Rings and that's full of wizardry and the such, I would be a hypocrite to condem the series without even reading it.
After reading Philosopher's stone and Chamber of Secrets I have to confess I couldn't see what all the fuss was about but was spurned to keep reading by Josephine's passion for the story. The girl has brains, taste and freinds, there must be something to it. As I began Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban the Potter mania gripped me and I've been an avid fan ever since.
JK Rowling's website is pretty nifty if anyone fancies a glance...
I wouldn't give them to a child to read because to be very honest I find them scary. I am chomping at the bit though to read the sixth installment. It was only a few weeks ago that Josephine and I were dispairing at the rumours that she was only half way through, but hurrah! It was all a sham! Let the Potter mania begin...
PS - Click on the thumbnails to see the first pics from the Goblet of Fire movie! Yay! A new book and a new film, my escapist personality is revelling in the prospects!