You've got to love Kiefer Sutherland! You've got to love 24! It is impossible to watch more than three episodes and not get sucked in...
I am the proud owner of 24 seasons one, two and three on DVD (though they are rarely in my possession as I frequently make it my mission to educate people in all things CTU) so imagine my glee to discover that season 4 was kicking off last night.
As we have so many times before Smiles, Charlotte, Sven and I piled into a dimly lit bedroom to get over excited and bite our nails at Jack Bowers latest escapades. Praise the Lord! Kim is no longer in it! Boo hiss where has Chase gone! What about Tony and Michelle? Surely they must come back...
Such questions were hot topics last night as we squealed and hollered panto stylee at the television screen. To our great disappointment though the nasty Mr Murdock only allowed the first two episodes of the series to be shown on Free View and we're too skint to buy SKY. I am currently on the scrounge for someone with SKY and a video recorder who wouldn't mind helping out a few sad fans... Offers on a postcard please!