Ever sat at your desk on a Monday morning and thought 'I need an extra weekend to recover from the one I've just had'? Today, I'm a little red-eyed as I spent the weekend celebrating my beautiful little sister's 21st Birthday...
Saturday night was spent with Lili and her friends as Smiles, Charlotte, Matthew (yes this is the first official mention of my good friend Matthew in the context of him now snogging my little sister...) and I journeyed from Chi to the Hood (quiet literally) in Southgate, North London.
It was a night of great entertainment as Lisa and Matthew ate sweets, cooked us a lovely dinner and got very hyperactive (you gotta love em, who needs tv?) Sunday we trecked to my parents (yes, Matthew did well meeting the parents - well he's like my sister but a guy so there was a slim chance they wouldn't like him) and ate about the equivelent of 5 bags of sugar each as Mum had party food, a full roast and three deserts to chose from. When my Mum cooks you try everything (especially desert) so there was nothing for it other than to stuff ourselves stupid!
It was a great weekend and I am rediculously proud of my now 21 year old sister... oh yes, and Matthew - welcome to the family :)
PS - More photos in the photo album to your right...