Gonna spew." You gotta love Austin Powers. He's lent me so many expressions so useful in everyday life. Yesterday I was sick as a dog... Monday morning I went to see my doctor with an assortment of war wounds I thought I should get checked out and though I left reassured, I also so left with a nasty present from my fellow patients...
Yesterday morning I awoke with a decidedly dodgy tummy and spent the day trying to work out whether I was imagining things, or genuinely ill. By 3.30 I felt sick to my stomach so took to my bed (I love that phrase, its so Jane Austin) with the beautiful Charlotte to entertain me.
We had a lovely catch up and pray and after she left I fell asleep in my clothes and woke at 8.30 to empty my stomach in a projectile stylee (er - sorry if you're reading this in your lunch break). By 9pm I was leaving a message on my parents answering machine whinging about the fact that I was sick and where was my mother to feed me dry toast and flat 7up. (Pathetic I know, but I'm never more dramatic or home sick than when I'm ill.)
I had a bit of a fevery night but have woken this morning feeling fine. It seems to have gone as quickly as it came. Hurrah! All is right with the world once more.