What a weekend! I feel like I've been on an emotional, physical and spiritual rollercoaster and it was quite a ride. This morning as I woke to the sun streaming through my window, I sighed at the enjoyment of my first lie in since IAM5. I had done the old turn off my alarm and sleep til I wake trick so imagine my shock when I rolled over, blearilly reached for my clock and sat bolt upright as I realised it was 2pm!
I stumbled into the office looking like a hung over rock star with a cup of tea in my hand and sunglasses strategically askew to a cackle of laughter and a smattering of 'morning, what were you up to last night?' from the boys.
Oh the shame! I have so much to tell you all! So much has happened! Please bear with me as I get my head back together and sort out my life... I have some great news, my jaw aches from grinning...