I'm speaking in Revs (my church here in Chi) the Sunday after next and I am rather nervous. I've travelled to four different countries to speak for 24-7 but never have I stood up in my own community and talked about the bible. I am more nervous about this than any talk I've ever done. The opinion of my community means a lot to me, if I screw up here I don't get to take my notes and run, safe in the knowlege I may never see them again...
My talk topic is "Keeping our spiritual airwaves clean: resisting temptation", which I'm certian is a private joke between Roger Ellis and God. I've started studying early and I'm actually really enjoying passages in Matthew, James, Romans and 1Peter. I'm taking the gather-as-much-information-as-my-brain-will-contain strategy and then praying about what angle to take.
I've been chatting to a few (sometimes) older, (often) wiser bods and have been amazed at the plethera of responses to the question... 'what part of the bible helps you resist temptation'. It's been quite illuminating. Let's face it, I don't always resist temptation (especially in the spiderman, gold bikine, mayonaise form - hehe), no-one does. What I want to do is get a pool of people's tried and tested tactics and experiences, so, would you mind sharing yours with me?
Things you've found helpful, friendships that have encouraged you, people you've learnt from, parts of the Bible that have been vital or just some general thoughts on the subject. If you don't want to post them below you can email me. xc :)
PS - I've already found a way to weave Star Wars in so I know I'm gonna be fine! Mwahahahahaaaa!