The last few days I've felt like the calm eye in the centre of a rather large storm. I am also positive that if my life were a reality TV show it would be far more entertaining than Big Brother. Some good things, a lot of tension between friends and health worries on all fronts for many dear friends and I'm wondering what on earth is going on...
Sunday as we sat in church my lovely Smiles turned to me frowning prodding her leg and saying I can't feel anything, my leg is numb. Deciding the best thing to do would be to tackle the problem head on we then spent seven hours in A&E keeping our spirits up as they put Smiles through tests for everything they could think of.
I imediately assumed my jet-lagged-humour and made it my mission to get her through the day smiling. Funniest moments included...
***Me calmly informing the nurses that their patient was having a hypo.
***Hogging half the bed to lie next to Smiles, the doctors never knew who to talk to.
***Tasty hospital food! Gotta love that Smash.
***The worry on Smiles's face when they took pregnancy test before she went to X-Ray. "Smiles, other than imaculate conception there is no possible way you're pregnant! Why are you worried?" "I know, I know, it's just like when you see a Police man, you imediately feel guilty even if you haven't done anything wrong."
***The moment a patients heart monitor beaping bugged me enough to say "Will you just quit it".
***We were the most hightech patients on the ward with iPods and iBooks all crowded around the screen watching Battlestar Gallactica as we waited for yet more tests. (Gotta love Battlestar Gallactica!)
***Eye spy in the goodwood ward, many interesting things in a Hospital.
***The male nurse who approached us to tell us if evey bed was filled as ours it would be a pleasure to do overtime (she can still pull em even on a hospital bed, go Smiler).
God answered our prayers and by the end of the day we had a possible diagnosis that's awaiting tests for confirmation and Smiles didn't have to stay over night! We left triumphant, alive to fight another day. Please pray for Smiles, she's an absolute trooper and I love her very much.
The last few days have proved just as eventful with heart to hearts, tears and difficult decisions. Sometimes I wonder why I get to have things so easy when everyone else seems to be going through it... I hope I can be a good friend this week, and any TV producers reading this, seriously, my life would make a great reality show, I'm ready for my close up. xc