I've been listening to the radio this afternoon as I've sat infront of my computor and I can't tell you how mad I am about what I just heard!!!!!! I'm listening to Scott Mills (I don't particularly like him anyway) and as part of his show he just read out the key event at the end of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince...
How dare he!! I am so mad!! I ripped the headphones from ears when I realised what he was doing and kept quickly putting them back in to check if he'd finished. I thought I heard something quite shocking but I wasn't sure, then after a song a listener came on and repeated the shock twist and I sat their screaming "noooooooooo!"
It's not big and it's not clever. If you have to resort to spoiling other people's enjoyment to be entertaining and contraversial then you really have no imagination or talent! I really disslike him, never really loved the guy but he's ultimately ruined his show in my mind for life. Aaaaaaaaagh!
My only hope is that he changed the name as a joke, but I not holding my breath.