I finished The Gunslinger last night, it came to an end all of a sudden and took me by surprise. It's left me slightly frustrated... I feel like I've glanced over a work with real genius permeating it and I haven't had a chance to explore...
I read it quite bittily (it's been a bitty month) so when I finished I found myself mentally re-treading Rolland's footsteps to clarify his journey so far...
His journey through Tull, the man with the corn in the desert, Jake, the Oracle, the tunnel under the mountain, Jake's death, the conversation with Walter/Martin/the black man and his decision to keep moving towards the Dark Tower.
I have a lot of questions...
*Why did Jake have to die?
*Was it to prove Rolland's determination to stay the course?
*Who is Martin/Walter/the Black Man? I don't believe he's dead...
*What's his connection to Rolland?
*What drives Rolland to find the Black Tower?
I'm seriously considering re-reading it in one sitting to see if I can glean more from the glimpses King gave us. Or, do I just move on to The Drawing of the Three (the second book of the series I purchased it last week, I had a feeling I'd be restless, wanting to continue when I reached this end).
Hmmm... I let you know how I get on. Thanks Phil for putting me onto The Dark Tower; it's definitely the most original story(fertilised by many other great stories) I've come accross in years. xc