This weekend I have mostly been lieing in bed, sadly not for slovenly reasons (oh I mourn the day when I had that option) but because this week I got a mild dose of Flu...
Sweaty, achy, sore head, swollen glands, no voice, bunged up nose and a chest rattling cough, it's been a fun weekend with all my house mates away and Steve gone to New Wine. Actually if I'm honest I've only been lonely once or twice, the rest of the time I've been indulging in a Babylon 5 season 3 & 4 marathon, I feel quite refreshed and guilt free as I'm supposed to stay in bed so no-one can tell me off.
I've been drinking hot whiskey, lemon and honey and gone through about a tree's worth of tissues and I think I'm actually getting better, hurrah! Sometimes I think getting ill is a God send. Your bodies way of getting you to completely rest for a few days, I haven't done this in ages. xc