This weekend was a great mix of highs and lows. I went out to get toilet paper with Steve Saturday lunchtime and didn’t return til Sunday morning. Tis a dangerous thing stepping out your front door, you never know where the road will lead you...
A jaunt to Worthing and Brighton, a wander around the Lanes and dinner in a pretty nice restaurant then we were off to the Harding’s for tea, company and an over night stay. I really enjoyed it. I didn’t even mind the early start to get back to set up church.
Church was interesting (by interesting I really mean hard), but that’s not a story for here. It’s weird to be disliked, strongly. It doesn’t happen to me often and really throws me when it does; I guess I put too much stock in what people think of me. I need to get better at not caring when there’s not a lot I can do to change it.
After a chat and a pray I sent Steve back to New Wine with a sad wave. Hmmm, I miss him when he’s gone. Not a soppy whining down the phone kinda thing, I just really miss his presence, his opinion, his smile and reassurance when I’m the middle of a drama. He’s become quite a stabilising yet adventurous force in my life. I’m really grateful to have him…
Sunday afternoon and evening were priceless! How do I describe But Club? Well other the rather immature name the best way to introduce you to but club is to tell you our two rules;
1. Don’t talk during but club
2. Don’t talk about but club (NB I am not breaking this rule as I am typing not talking and anyway, Butqueen has to come with some perks!)
But Club is what we constructively named a group of us who spent four hours yesterday curled up under duvets reading and laughing together. It was a rather slovenly afternoon (though we tried to make out like we were cultured) as we read, shared exciting bits, laughed and gave each other nicknames (Butplug, Butsuck, Butchuck and Butqueen = Sarah, Smiles, Anna and myself). I claimed queendome as But club was my idea in the first place.
Book club just sounded too square. As we sat, two of us reading CS Lewis’s “The Magician’s Nephew” and the other two tearing through JK Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” we decided this was too much fun not to make a regular occurrence. I’ve been an avid reader from a very young age but Smiles and Sarah are only really exploring the joys and journey a good book can give you.
Here’s you many many more rainy afternoon reading sessions… xc