When people first encounter the Trundle family most are dazzled by Dad's Superhero presence, Lisa's frenetic energy or Mum's donkey laugh. But once you get past each of these unique but quite upfront gems, once you scratch beneath the surface and become more than a passing friend, you earn the right to discover one of our best assets; my little/big brother and his dry wit...
Let me produce exhibit A. A recent comment left on my blog...
"Name: Adam (jedi adakin/sith amadeus/captain of uss enterprise/commander Adarma/colonel of the SGC/[conservative] prime minister) Trundle
Age: 16 (17 on 27th Feb hint! cough cough)
Relationship: My Intellectual superior
The science bit: I met Adam when I was 8 in 1989, as soon as I saw him I knew my purpose on this planet was to adore him. I wouldn't be the person today without my broher, he is the personification of beauty and infinate intelligence.
I think that was a truthful profile.
Luv Adam"
His SciFi adiction rivals, nay far exceeds, mine and his confidence has increased with his height but I still find it just a little surprising when Adam pipes up at the most unexpected moment with something so funny you have to concentrate to breath and control my bladder. It's those little dry witticisms that he drops in like firecrackers...
On holiday to Mother...
""Have you got our money changed? ........ and by our money I mean yours."
The results of his Star Wars personality test...
"Big surprise I ended up being Anakin, proving that I am going to turn evil kill all my family and friends, and start to wear un flattering BLACK GAS MASKS! So the future looks bright the future looks black!"
Then there are the many many times Adam's deflated Lisa's dinner time rant mid sentence with his deadpan putdowns.
I was eight when Adam was born and he looked like a particularly adorable child. I utterly adored him and Lisa and I used to dress him up in all our clothes, like an interactive doll. It's bizarre to think he's going to be 18 in a year. He's growing into a cooler adult than Lisa or Me and the ladies love him (in fact one of my close friends was lementing his age only last night, fancy an older lady Abs?).
Ah how fast they grow... xc