Sometimes, when faced with a barage of deep films, all I want to see is the 'so-bad-it's-good' film that everyone secretly wishes they could admit they're interested in. Films of this ilk would include Con Air (dreadful film but I absolutely love it!), The Fast and The Furious (similar sentiment) and last night's offering Underworld Evolution...
OK so it doesn't hurt that Scott Speedman spends half the film with his shirt off or that the highly convoluted yet predictable plot is propelled along by far too many scares, but it truly was a bad-good film. Utter trash that requires nothing of you but guilty enjoyment.
I do feel slightly dissadvantaged in this kind of movie though. I have a tendancy to express everything I'm feeling through movement; I wave my hands frenetically when I talk, I jump up and down when I'm excited and I jump two foot at every potential scare. I'm lucky Steve finds it funny because last night I was jumping about every 60 seconds and he was trying to pin me to my seat.
I shouldn't shun it I guess, my physicality led me to dancing and I've never felt so free than when I moved well through a class. It is a bit of a bummer though when I look like a total loser in a cinema jumping at the crapest CGI. Ah well, our greatest strengths are also our greatest weaknesses... xc