There's nothing more sorrowful or shocking as a life ended too soon. Nothing that makes you examine your own mortality or inspire a deeper apreciation for the time we're given and the people we share it with. Friday brought some very sad news. News that has made me realise I have a lot to be grateful for...
Those of you who have been tracking with my blog since last autumn will remeber my fabulous trip to Switzerland to visit my lovely friend Susanna and her unique household. Switzerland and Susanna's friends were fabulous, easy to fall in love with so when Susanna called on Friday to beg us to pray, our response was swift and sincere.
On Friday, Nicole, who lived with and was discipled by Susanna, went snow boarding with three friends off piste. Nicole was at the back of the group and as they descended the mountain there was a large avalanche. Her three friends managed to board clear but as they looked back they saw that Nicole had been swept away.
They called the rescue services and then Susanna pretty hysterical. Susanna then spent most of Friday co-ordinating prayer, staying in touch with the rescue services, the three friends still on the mountain and Nicole's family. At 7pm they found Nicole with little sign of life, they believe she'd survived the avalanche, and took her to hospital. Sadly she had been buried in snow for too long and passed later that evening.
Susanna spent most of Saturday at home meeting with Nicole's family, planning the funeral and praying with the rest of the house. When I spoke to her in the evening she was devastated. She has just lost a very close friend.
I met Nicole last year, she was kind, very hospitable and had a spirit of carefree adventure about her. I remember sitting at the top of an alpine mountain sipping tea and laughing about life. Sitting infont of our laptops swapping music between our itunes. Listening to her tails of boarding and working with sail boats. Nicole was a highlight of my trip.
How do you process the sudden death of someone so young and beautiful? All my thoughts and prayers are with Susanna and her household. I guess there is not much to do accept remember Nicole and be grateful for the gift of life each day. xc