Yesterday was full of silling dancing, funny photos and bizarre singing attractions! Charlotte, Matt, Steve and I had taken the day off work and ran away to Drusilla's Zoo to make faces at the monkeys, laugh at the Gibbons and stick our heads up a Giraffe's backside...
It was a fabulous day! We saw so many funny/cute animals and had a right laugh attracting the attention of the animals and playing on the Childrens activities. I was rubbish at the animal olympics - I couldn't stand on one leg or hang from bars as long as flamingoes or monkeys but I could run as fast as a Lemer!
We did stumble accross a frightening animal sculpture that sang their position in the food chain at you in shrill, ear splitting voices. Frightening! Very frightening! Charlotte and I found heaven, the largest adventure playground I've seen in years. We climbed, swung, slid, ran and balanced along the different obstacles as our flaking men groaned about empty tummies.
As we ate a (gorgeous) lunch and reflected on the day slow, satisfied grins spread over our faces. Hmmm, it's fun not to act your age and have an unexpected day of play. xc