I've realised that I've recently succeeded in my mission to find time. Impacted by Eloise's challenge that we are all time poor, and sick of replying "tired" to friends enquiring "How are you?", I've been on a mission to have more space in my life...
At University I was always the busiest person in my year and I hate opening my diary to book time with someone I love and having to flick to three weeks away. Partly I've needed to get smarter and my New Years resolution to bust a groove in our local pub once a week means I can kill 5 birds (quite literally) with one stone.
I've also gotten loads better at being realistic about what I can fit into a day. Previously I've been guilty of committing the carnal sin of people appointments. Once my Wednesday's might look like breakfast with Carol, work, lunch with Charlotte, work, after work coffee with Helen, a hastily eaten dinner with Smiles and Bex and then hurrying out for a date with Steve. Stupid I know. Thankfully in a bid to remain alive I've abandoned my pursuit of 'most-busy-and-popular-girl-in-Chi', and instead have decided to enjoy life a little more.
No longer do I believe that everything will fall apart if I am not there to hold it together, my time is flexible, room for playing lego wars with the Greig boys (Hudson definitely has latent talent!Download 03-04-06_0929.3gpDownload 03-04-06_0932.3gp), playing dress up with the girls and enjoying sleepovers and fry ups on sunny spring weekends. I actually woke up this morning feeling awake and alive. Hmmm, lovely xc