Yesterday our determined inactivity was broken by an adventure, something that both terrified and tantalised the entire family. Around the corner from where we've put down roots Adam and and Dad found a series of watery caves eaten into the rock face of the island. With fabulously clear deep water, many over hangs and the gauntlet (a passage going through pitch darkness from one cave to another) we were captivated...
I have a strong link between fear, adrenilin and joy. As I stood on the rocky over hang whilst Dad, Lisa, Adam and Mum chanted 3... 2... 1... my brain was running through some very reasonable searios.
I could die in any number of ways from this jump.
1. I could miss jump and brain myself on the rocks.
2. I could break my ankle and be swept out to sea by a current I can't fight or, Adam's favourite...
3. A shark could come and eat me while I'm busy celebrating my jumping prowess.
Of course none of the above happened, but I think that unless I'd felt the fear in advance, the exultation would have been less when I safely (and gracefully) slashed down in clear, blue ocean.
The whole family had a go, even Mum and Dad (serious Kudos to them) and spurred on by our courage in the face of danger we decided to brave our cave gauntlet. Ok, honestly it wasn't that big a deal but there's something about being in the pitch black, unable to see the bottom, walls or ceiling and knowing with certainty that you are out of your element and a few rungs lower on the food chain that pushes the panic buttons.
We were actually in hysterics, pitiful but really funny. Lisa was so frightened she started laughing uncontrollably and hitting every rock in the cave. Adam was so afriad of crabs that he climbed on top of a rock and wouldn't get back in the water until I came back to swim with him. Dad braved it all in quite a manly way but I panicked when I saw light and kicked a rock, my toe really hurts.
We may be a bunch of scaredy cats but we met Mum on the other side with wide grins and full of stories of our 'perilous' adventure. I think fear only added to the sense of adventure and we've now set the target that we are going to jump from the highest rock before the end of the holiday. Hope I'm not flying home in plaster. xc