Bizarrely, despite the drop in temperature, today feels the way summer used to. I'm wearing an old headscarf to mask the results of 20 extra (blessed) minutes sleep and a hoodie that feels like constant hug. I was walking down Kingsham Avenue, with Jonny Cash in my ears and suddenly I felt as light and optomistic as my former 18 year old self; fresh from moving away from home, and walking with all the potential in the universe bursting from my chest...
I love England in summer. Our recent heat wave has been fabulous (apart from sweaty office afternoons) but I don't even mind the chill that's entered the air. It's brought that crisp, bright, hyper-colour atmosphere to my favourite city.
Thoughts swirling in my head include:
*Jagged Little Pill is still a great album
*How do you move from milk to meat? Hebrews has given me much to chew on.
*Praying over Skype is fun
*Superman Returns is still a great dissapointment. It's offensive with it's bland characterisation, appalling script, physical impossibilities (I'm not referring to Sup) and gross under use of Kevin Spacey.
*I love the Wheel of Time series. Rushing home to read the 10th installment is haunting my thoughts.
*Can't wait to get married. 3 months on Friday. :) I'm loving Steve a lot today.