Last night was the first night in a long time that I slept completely through. Nothing short of my Napoleon Dynamite alarm was going to wake me. It was absolutely blissful, I forgot how good uninterrupted sleep felt. I spent all of yesterday evening in my new room doing a Bible study on the word and my first draft of my talk on God's story for this Sunday's meeting. I feel a lot more rooted for the time of solitude and something meaty to sink my teeth into...
This morning I had a drop to the floor in awe moment... but first a confession, I haven't finished my Bible in a year yet (though technically I have a week or two to go) so I'm reading Revelation over the next few days.
To say I wasn't looking forward to it is a bit of an understatement. I find it the most confusing book in our Holy Bible, Daniel and Ezekiel a lot more accessible than John! However I had to eat my words this morning as I read Jesus' message to the seven churches and John's vision of the slain Lamb being the only person in the Heavens and the Earth worthy enough to unlock creation.
It was one of those goose bumps and tears moments as I suddenly got a glimpse of incredible glory in the most humble and vulnerable form. The floor wasn’t low enough. Wherever you are and whatever you're doing today I pray God's Spirit is with you. I hope you can have a glimpse of something you hadn't comprehended, I don't think I'll ever understand even a fraction of the humungous God we love... xc