Movie Club is reborn mwahahahahaaaaa! Last night, at the House of Sven, our faithful movie club reconviened after our movie apathy of 2006 to launch into new activity in 2007. Eloise, Dan, Troy, Ben, Carol, Steve and I munched, laughed and gasped our way through "Children of Men", easily my fav' film of recent years...
A better film for provoking discussion you will not find: ecology, imigration, nationalism, fruitlessness and the many Biblical parralels that burst my brain into top gear. The messianic child is born, moses sent down the nile, a nations hope for survival in the midst of genocide, Noah gathering all life (nice nature theme) to himself to save humanity for the iminent flood to irradicate evil... I LOVE THIS FILM! So rich, such excellent performances, a taut script and a few lessons for Hollywood on how to build tension without the epic soudtrack.
We're ressurecting our monthly gatherings to watch different offerings from the world of cinema and ask what they say about our world and what glimpse of God there may or may not be within their narrative. Good friends, popcorn and great conversation, I am really excited.
Next up will probably be Little Miss Sunshine and an Oscar marathon through the wee hours of the 25th. The highs, the lows, the tears, the bitterness, better than Hollyoaks with the added pleasure of the who-we-think-should-win and the who-is-likely-to-win sweepstakes. Woopy doo! xc