Here's a snap shot from the 24-7 International resorce centre. I stumbled in bleery eyed this morning after an early morning sofa delivery (they're so pretty!) to Charlotte's exclamation of "Snap!". Today is grey hat day, though Charlotte's is a little more excentric than mine...
Today Wardy has been stressing over accounts in preperation for a Trustees meeting, we had to pacify him with cakey goodness, works every time. Charlotte was in a high pitched mood and set anna's beaping keyring off every time she opened her mouth. Most amusing. And the new Staines abbott James came to visit. A lovely lad, two enthusiastic thumbs up!
In other news I have finaly relented and entered the world of MySpace What a clumsy set up! Though my brothers my space is a classic ( and he wonders why he has a gay following. I've also been thinking that I'm ready for a road trip. Thelma and I haven't been let out of the office much at the minute. I think we need to come up with some decent excuses to blow this joint and get on the open road... xc