The second half of this week has been just as fun and eventful as the first. After my thought provoking trip to Guildford on Tuesday I headed to London Town on Thursday to meet with Lyndall Bywater from the Salvation Army and Andrea Percy, my counterpart in 24-7 UK. Both fantastic women, both gave me lots to think about and added a few items to my ever growing to-do list...
Lyndall especially is a legend and a bit of a hero of mine. Everytime she shares something she feels God's saying I'm scrabbling around for a bit of paper and a pencil. Her life is more than exciting as God's got her on the move and he's shifting her at quite a speed. Not my story to tell, but if you know Lyndall it is well worth hearing about!
By Wednesday evening I was beat, I actually fell asleep on the train home waking in a panic wondering if the train had devided or if I'd slept passed my station. The challenge of leading the new Prayer Team is a big one. I find myself penduluming between great excitement and fear. Two things I know for sure, this is going to stretch me and I can't do it on my own.
Especially since Pete and Samie left Chichester for the urban climbs of Guildford I've felt a little detatched from the rest of the International Team. I guess I've always had the priviledge of being close to someone but as the team grows and diversifies I need to make more of an effort (and more phone calls) to make team life and friendships feel tangible.
I'm meeting with the working group, Pete, Andy, Worthers and I, next week and I actually can't wait. Though we'll have a jam packed agenda I'm gonna really enjoy all being in the same room.
I finished the week in Staines, Lottie and I road tripped up to join the Boiler Room guys for some prayer walking around Egham and the local University. They were coming to the end of a week of 24-7 at the new Boiler Building and we were in the mood to stretch some spiritual muscles with some new friends. I might work out a bit of rhythm of visiting the Boilers, it's a refreshing way to keep why and how we do this thing called 24-7 at the forefront of my mind.
So on that note I am going to leave you. I've spent the last two hours rehearsing for our next covers band rehearsal on Monday and I'm a little horse from bellowing "Don't Stop Me Now!" around the dining room. Speaking of which I saw Hot Fuzz from the Shaun of the Dead team and absolutely loved it! A slow start gives way to some great characters, laugh out load gags and as usual some great satire on English culture. A smart cinematic offering, well delivered. What is lacks in the originality of Shaun, it makes up for in fruit throwing supermarket clerks... xc