Roll on the weekend! I'm a little weary as I sit at my dining room table finishing off the last few items on this week's to-do list. Wednesday night was the 24-7 Reception, last night was an evening ILT Skype meeting both of which meant I haven't really seen Steve in a few days and I'm finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning...
I'd love a massage. My sholders are aching from lugging laptops, handbags, a change of clothes and IKEA plates around. Oh for a neck, back and shoulder rub!!! I am however having lots of fun writing brand spanking new prayer room resources for 24-7 Prayer. My new International Prayer Team are condensing eight years of experience into free, clear and multi lingual resources to give away to the world! I am loving it.
I've just finished the covering letter and I'm about to tackle our Practical Guidelines page. Please pray for inspiration and wisdom as myself and the lovely Charlotte Terris compile this selection of wisdom from accross the movement.
I think I'll post our first draft here once we've done it. I'd love feedback from anyone who's run a 24-7 Prayer Room or never even stepped in one. Any perspectives would be useful. Once all the content's there and it's got the thumbs up from our leaders at the Round Table we'll begin the process of designing it for download, email and post as well as recording an audio version and translating it into all the major world languages. By Christmas we should be there. It's gonna be great! xc