I'm only 26 but on Saturday night I really started to feel my age. The beautiful Charlotte Terris took the Chi community out to the Mud Club to celebrate her 29th Birthday. The ever talented ASkillz kept our toes tapping and our tail feather shaking so it was a little like I'd gone back five years to being a fresh faced graduate out with the girls on a Saturday night...
The oddest thing was I felt like I was dancing next to my former self. My gorgeous sister Lisa was down to play (Hurrah! My master plan to one day steal her from London is working). Lisa being there isn't odd in itself but as she excellently busted a groove around the dance floor I realised how much my life has changed. Lisa is in a really similar stage of life that I was when clubbing was a much more common occurance, now I enjoy meeting people over food, being in bed by midight and my most common dance floor is my kitchen ;)
I spent the first two songs trying to remember how to move my limbs in a co-ordinated fashion in a cramped environment. With Adam's tunes though the old adage is definitely true: the rhythm is gonna get ya. Lottie was in her element as she and her ever impressive husband owned the dancefloor. Everyone had a great night out and the Mud Club was a surprisingly nice crowd. Eager guys were easilly put off and there was no-one putting on an inappropriate display of affection in the middle of the dance floor. It was also lovely to go out dancing and not come back reaking of everyone elses cigarettes. Wonders will never cease!
So in grand style Charlotte celebrated another year that she has brought light and life to planet earth. This year she has a husband to walk through life and create a home with her. I am so proud of my friend. She has grown into such a beautiful woman of God and I'm excited about the future for Team Terris. Happy Birthday Beautiful Charlotte... See photos from our big night out here. xc