This was a bizarre news story on the BBC website on Friday. "Jessica Alexander, from the The Sleep Council, which is funded by the bed industry, said: "Busy night time routines are driving couples' bedtimes and even their bedrooms apart." they report...
"Nine per cent of those questioned admitted to always sleeping separately from their partner.' One in ten of the 1,400 people questioned said their bedtime routine included saying prayers - but charging up mobiles and other gadgets was a higher priority, with 22% mentioning this. Some traditions are still going strong, however, with pyjamas still the most popular choice of nightwear. Two out of five people said they rarely went to bed at the same time as their partner, and one in three said bed was a good place to make phone calls, or send texts and emails."
I have to say Steve and I are guilty as charged. Though last thing at night isn't a preferred time of prayer for either of us we have been known to play games, surf the internet and download from You Tube in bed. Our lovely iPhones with wireless access have given me the habit. I don't think it affects our conversation though as we're wind down people and when we're not online we're reading books before sleep. I still make Steve talk to me though as he is a rather entertaining sand man, even though it is sometimes very sleepy stand up... xc