God is good. I have been really encouraged recently thinking about all the good things God has done in the last six months: a friend's healing from OCD and food allergies, great stories of mission and prayer combined with potent effect within the 24-7 community (we have a prayer room in Bagdad, Iraq right now!) and just being reminded of all the things we're blessed with. It's so easy for me to let the dross of daily life and the discontentment bred from a consumerist society overwhelm my perception of God's activity in the world around me...
It gives me confidence for the future.
Last week I was at Spring Harvest with Steve and I had a great week just worshipping God. It was fun to have no other responsibility than encouraging people to worship and reading the Bible. Life's also been full of little pleasures like the Podcasts I'm loving at the mo: Mars Hill Bible Church (Rob Bell), Let My People Think (Ravi Zacharias), 24-7 Prayer Spaces and Stephen Fry's Podgrams. I've also been revisiting classic SciFi series Farscape whilst I awaited my husbands return so we could gleefully embark on the new series of Battlestar Galactica!!! My excitement is of ear splitting levels...xc