I realised to my terror this morning that someone has put this blog in a list of Top Ten UK Female Christian bloggers. Thank you Andrew 'Tall Skinny Kiwi' Jones for letting me know. This news strikes terror into my heart and I'm not totally sure why. I'm bemused. How does someone I don't know know where to find me in cyber-space? OK I guess with 24-7 that's not so hard - it's awfully kind of him to hunt me down... I took a look at all the other very noble, intelligent and impressive ladies on the list (including one of my regular reads Miss Jude Smith)and couldn't help wondering 'How on earth did this make it on???' Compared to the other entrants I am a total impostor. Here are my reasons why:
2. I happen to be a woman (I am pleased about that) but it's not a particular consideration of my blog just a tacit part
3. I am a Christian and my faith and growing relationship with Jesus is central to my life but not necessarily or overtly my blog. I talk about God because I talk about my life, He's in every part. But I don't (often) ponder doctrine, my theology or even the state of the church. These conversations are more effective for me with my hubby or with my two best friends who chew over these things over tea and biscuits each week.
4. I don't know very much so say very little.
5. Sometimes I am happily shallow.
Part of me wonders how many UK Female Christian Bloggers there are out there? When I thought about it most of the chic blogs I read hail from other nations. Oh well. It's all a laugh anyway... xc