Saturday morning I perfected the art of procrastinating. Not only did I do all my chores (even the ones I had previously been avoiding) but I suddenly got the urge to bake. A slightly ill judged and frustrating hour later I emerged triumphant (and covered in flour) with Millionaires Shortcake and Oat Crunchies. I had successfully managed to fill my whole morning up to the moment where I had to leave for Julie Fox's Hen Day :) An afternoon of games, challenges and dressing the bride in toilet paper and bin liners ensued (I think she looks quite fetching) and was rounded off by a delicious meal out with all her lovely lady friends. I love Hen Days. People are so generous and it's such a special moment in life...
I returned home to a different kind of celebration and found Steve and the lovely Craig Newey tasting our entire Whisky collection. I fell about laughing when I saw how seriously they were taking it with a little jug of water on stand by and a piece of paper each on which they were describing and ranking the whiskies. Actually I was a little envious, it looked like fun :)
Sunday, after an excellent gathering of the Revs community (more on that later) I put all procrastination aside and knuckled down to the task that will be occupying my thoughts for the majority of this week... preparing my talk for next Sunday. Thankfully I already feel I know what I want to communicate so I'm entering the refining and structuring phase of the preperations. I don't know why I get so nervous about it. I've really enjoyed studying for this one and the topics quite a challenge (more on that even later) and I'm speaking a home crowd so really it should be ok. I've been studying Paul (my talk is from 1 Corinthians) and I love what he said about purposefully keeping his presentation of the gospel simple so the power of the Holy Spirit could do his thing and Paul could take no credit for the results. I'd love to be able to do that... keep it simple and trust God will give it strength... xc