Yesterday, after literally months of thought and preparation, I finally spoke to my lovely Church about 1 Corinthians 5 & 6:1-11. I have never found a subject more challenging to prepare for or deliver, and though it was a great growing experience I am so relieved it's all over. If you'd like to hear my talk on the hot potato of judgement you can stream it from the Revs site or download it as a wma here: Download Different to the World
(Sorry mac users, the recording guys seem to be anti mp3). It was an interesting topic to explore as it's very unpopular within our culture and as I started to expand what we were going to be looking at together you could literally hear a pin drop. I have never seen my Church so quiet or attentive. Thankfully no one stoned me and though it wasn't perfect I think I managed to get my point across.
Today the wonderful world of fiction has opened back up to me. My spare time is my own again and I'm looking forward to being deliberately shallow with episodes or Ally McBeal, 24, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Lost tempting me away from all the painting and chores I've set myself for the coming week. I'm getting a little obsessive about how the house looks. I started painting one wall and one set of skirting boards and then a frenzy took me and I was painting until midnight. The house is looking smarter... very satisfying.
Today the wonderful world of fiction has opened back up to me. My spare time is my own again and I'm looking forward to being deliberately shallow with episodes or Ally McBeal, 24, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Lost tempting me away from all the painting and chores I've set myself for the coming week. I'm getting a little obsessive about how the house looks. I started painting one wall and one set of skirting boards and then a frenzy took me and I was painting until midnight. The house is looking smarter... very satisfying.