Yesterday the 24-7 Office was a buzz with note taking, database sifting and phones ringing. Dan, Lottie, Toggers, Wardy and I undertook the challenge of calling as many 24-7 supporters as we possibly could in one day... all to say a big THANK YOU! The lovely men and women who given financially to 24-7, have supported the movement in an important way throughout the last decade. Each and every person is an incredibly vital part of all we do.
Having our leaders down tools for a day to call all of them may have taken a lot of organisation but it was certainly worth it. There were a lot of nerves (we would be rubbish telesales people), some competition: "I've spoken to three people." "I've spoken to six", many answering machine messages and lots of emails saying "Hi, tried to get hold of you but thought I'd write my thanks instead." The only disappointment was realising how many supporters we don't have phone numbers for... If you're one I'm sorry I didn't get to say 'hi'.
Hmmm... though... if you are a 24-7 supporter (or want to become one) and you're reading this why not email me your phone number and I promise we'll call. What could be more enjoyable than a little natter over a hot beverage of your choice about the things God's been up to and a personal invite to next year's Birthday celebrations? ([email protected])