Today the youngest of the Trundle siblings turns the milestone age of 21. My little brother Adam Simon Trundle is celebrating the commencement of his third decade on planet earth. It's been quite the adventure being the eldest sister of such a creative and passionate young man and I have to say I am incredibly proud of him. With this in mind I celebrate his 21st Birthday by sharing just 21 of the many things I like about him. Let the gushing commence: I love...
1. His eagerness to laugh
2. His ever so expressive eyebrows (never before has so much been said with so few muscles)
3. His dedication to his family
4. His passion for good governance
5. His interest in the world we live in
6. His fancy dress costume prowess
7. The way he deigns to let you kiss his cheek
8. His two duvet combo at bedtime (It has to be seen to be believed)
9. The way he owns the dance floor
10. The brain capacity to memorise whole films/TV programs/life experiences for future regurgitation
11. His adventures in hair (from Sonic to Edward he's carried it off in style)
12. His sense of humour (dry wit doesn't even cover it)
13. The way he jumps to the defence of the people he loves
14. His unbelievable Veloca Raptor attacks a melon skit
15. His unusual approach to insults (Adam - you know what I'm talking about)
16. His passion for good leadership
17. His SciFi drawings that have adorned my greeting cards for years
18. The ability to wiggle every part of his body at once whilst chanting "Lisa is a Pilchard..."
19. His unswerving loyalty
20. The way he wakes up to a sound track (LOTR was my favourite)
21. The quality of his friendship