I've notice a direct correlation between the amount I read and the rising desire to write. Could my resurgence in blogging passion correspond with five fabulous books I've read recently? Scrap that... make it six. It's a rare and precious thing the well written word. A good book is so much more than a collection of words; with the first crack of the spine and the subtle smell of papery promise there's a world as lucid in my mind as the one that waits for me to close the book... Hmmm I've definitely caught the bug. From Holden Caufield's disillusioned musings to Big Jim Rennie's nefarious ambition I've been gripped by characters, places and ideas. From the life and uncompromising mission of Hudson Taylor to the roller coaster of the apostles as the first expressions of the Christian community sprang up around Jerusalem. As one series after another that I do enjoy has come to a conclusion on my telly rather than wondering what will take it's place I'm gleefully (and yes that is a reference) turning it off to curl up with my latest adventure. If only I had more time... xc