I was surfing the blogasphere earlier this week and came across this brilliant article by my good friend Phil Togwell. Toggers is one of the most gifted mentors I have ever seen in action and as his friend I have benefitted from his unique mixture of insight, questioning, honesty and kindness. For the last few years Phil has had a intern shadowing him in his life and role in 24-7 Prayer. It's a scheme that we call 'Wild Goose' (don't ask - the random name would take too long to explain) and in his blog post he gives one of the most thoughtful and inviting explanations as to why it's good to take a year of your life to seeking God and walking with someone else involved in prayer, mission and justice through 24-7. For a year or so now I have quite fancied having a goose/intern of my own. Now that my partner in crime Charlotte has moved onto working elsewhere I am greatly missing the sense of camaraderie and 'we're in this together' that comes from sharing your daily life and work with someone. I wonder if there's anyone out there who fancies a year pursuing God and looking at life alongside me?