The calm before the storm... I type this from my sofa, my husband across the room and a good film on the TV... this feels like a precious moment, the deep breath before the plunge into what generally is one of the most demanding and rewarding weeks of my year.
Between now and Wednesday I'll be sending hundreds of emails, dealing with dozens of last minute arrangements and generally dotting every 'i' and crossing every 't' in the preparations for one of my most anticipated of 24-7 events... our International Gathering. I cannot wait to board my flight from Heathrow, early Thursday morning and making my way to Edinburgh to see some of my favourite people around the world and (I am sure) make some friends to add to the aforementioned group in years to come.
I am savouring tonight... a good curry, a lovely glass of wine and a cup of tea have lulled me into a most pleasing state of relaxation... so much so I no longer have the energy to type... xc