Steve and I have returned to a quiet home and bulging inboxes after a week in the sleepy seaside town of Frinton-on-Sea.
It was blissful.
For many years, over many meals, the Hardings and the Hawkins have dreamed about the day we retreat from our regular lives to take more than an evening in each other's company. Last week, those wistful conversations became a reality... in a secluded little place on the English coast we made the time to walk and talk, eat and talk, laugh and talk, to nap, watch some 30 Rock, and then do it all again.
Ed, Jenny and Freddie made wonderful companions to our hermit like holiday style and are, quite frankly, two very entertaining and interesting people to spend a week with. I whipped through a few more books, discovered a whole new comedy series and generally revelled an agenda-less life. I also thoroughly enjoyed long conversations with Jenny by the sea shore, realising the Ed and I are food buddies and time to get to know the little person that is Freddie - oh yes ladies, he may yet be one year old but he's already a charmer!
Mid-week my handsome husband turned the grand age of 33 (or as he liked to refer to it - the Jesus age). We had a lovely day in Bury St Edmonds buying a second hand guitar, browsing book shops (we have no willpower when it comes to second hand books - especially classics!) and generally enjoying each other's company. It was a very peaceful way to mark the year and I hope it will carry forward into 2011.
Actually his birthday got me thinking... I turn 30 this year! I'm already cooking up some party ideas (currently they're all down the Pixar/fancy dress route - eek!) Anyway before I get side tracked I should finish up... Really should tackle my inbox before Sunday turns to Monday and meetings take my week away... Ah, to go back to Frinton and do it all again :)