This week I broke one of my unspoken rules. As I embarked on this little challenge of 52 books in 52 weeks I began automatically alternating between fiction and non-fiction. I guess I knew that if I didn't set some kind of rhythm I would likely slide into all fantasy, all of the time. Well my good intentions lasted until February. This week I wasn't feeling so hot, so I dove from pre-moon landing SciFi classic, A Wrinkle in Time, into the latest instalment in Rick Roirdan's mythological series, Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero.
I have a soft spot for young adult adventure novels and I tore through the first five books in this greek-mythology-alive-and-kicking-in-the-21st-Century series (otherwise known as the "Percy Jackson and the..." series) at the end of last year. I can read them in a few days and they require nothing of me whilst entertaining me greatly. The latest instalment was a bit of a risk for Riordan. He's expanded his world, introduced major new characters and done it all with his aforementioned titular character missing in action. Where was Percy?! At first I didn't like it. I've spent five books following this kid around - bring him back. Buuuut... the tale of Piper, Leo and Jason was enjoyable and as there are hints of Percy's return in coming books soooo I was able to overlook his absence.
I'm still not feeling brilliant but as I've indulged in two adventures in a row I feel it's time to reinstate my good intentions. The next book in my reading marathon is suitably worthy - With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray. I guess I'm unlikely to find bronze dragons or temporal travel within it's pages, but I am likely to find a lot of wisdom...