Today has been fantastic! I've been chilled to the bone, stared at by passers by and generally made a wee fool of myself all for a good cause. 24-7 Prayer is putting out a series of videos, a podcast in fact, to help lead people in prayer through the season of lent. I'm one of the hosts/pray-ers for the season and today Georgina, Scot and I tried out our ideas around various spots in Chichester.
There are many, rather embarrassing, outtakes in the possession of Miss Micklewright. My reputation is in her hands. Everything from the moment I read "Mary went to the hill country..." as "Mary went to the kill country..." to many explosive laughs and funny faces. I loved praying through passages about Jesus washing his friends' feet and Mary's song of praise and vines and branches and more. I think the podcast is going to be brilliant.
We also filmed a rather amusing little trailer for it that Scot is editing together. As soon as it's live I'll post it here for everyone to check out. That's all for me - I think I may need a nap. Having a camera pointed at you all day is surprisingly tiring!