I love this time of year. The sun is breaking through the winter grey, the daffs are popping the optimistic heads out of the ground and tomorrow is pancake day! (I am planning a savoury and sweet extravaganza!) As a child this week was also marked by a trip to Mass on Ash Wednesday so a priest could put a smudgy cross on my forehead to symbolise the start of lent. Though this Wednesday my forehead will be staying clean, I will be launching into this season of the year with gusto. I have big plans for this years journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.
I will be fasting something specific this year. I was praying about it and it turned out God had a suggestion for me. Exactly what it is will stay between He and I but I'm curious about the impact it'll have on the coming months. On a more exciting note, I've been hinting at it for a few weeks but the day is finally here to tell you all about the new prayer podcast that begins Wednesday!
Through the season of lent the 24-7 Prayer community are inviting you to join in prayer. The podcast is written to walk us through the life of Jesus with daily inspiration from people like Pete Greig, Etienne Piek, Alana Wiens and others. (I'll even be making a few appearances myself.) Monday to Friday, from Ash Wednesday (9th Mar) to Easter Sunday (24th Apr), 24-7 Prayer will release five-minute devotional films to help you pray.
Go to the 24-7 prayer page for more info. Subscribe through iTunes, YouTube, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to receive links or downloads each day. It's a bit of an experiment for us but I'm pretty excited. Let me know what you think and if it helps you to pray. If it's useful and inspiring to people we may have another go at it for advent later this year :)
How are you praying this lent? Know of any other good resources out there? Have some traditions that give you life? I'd love to hear about them in comments.
PS - eek the podcast is already number 1 on the UK iTunes Religion & Spirituality podcast chart. It hasn't even started yet... now I'm scared...