My bank holiday Monday is being spent in blissful silence... ah... peace... All weekend I've been mulling over, and dipping my toes into the talk prep I'm currently immersed in. Today I finally dove in head first and I'm enjoying marinading in the word of God.
This Wednesday I'm in Canterbury speaking to young people about prayer and next Sunday I'm sharing with Revelation Church my thoughts on the power of speech from the book of Proverbs. For the first talk I'm drawing inspiration from my current Bible reading and the amazing life and love of King David, for my second... well... the words of Jesus haunt me on this topic...
"From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:34
If there were possibly some way to itemise all the ways I've messed up in my life and to analyse the cause, I would estimate that the majority of my trouble starts with my big mouth. I do not generally think before I speak. Most of the time I think as I speak. Sometimes, to my shame, I think after (often to disastrous results). I've had to get good and fast at apologising.
A couple of years back when I took a break from speaking to study more, one of the greatest challenges I felt was the need to tame my tongue. It's been a journey of exercising self control. Sometimes I do well, other times... well sorry is a common word for me. Jesus' words have probably been the biggest help. When I've stopped to understand the motivation behind a hasty, unkind, anger-filled or 'foolish' tirade, it's been easier to avoid repeating the occurrence. Learning to bite my tongue (not as easy as it sounds) has been key. Being willing to swallow my opinion when it's unhelpful, unneeded or unasked for has been a big step forward too.
Looking through this book of wisdom and what it has to say on the topic has been an excellent refresher. Lots to mull over before Sunday.