I had a bit of an issue focussing in my prayer time this morning. I'd made the school girl error of leaving my laptop open in front of me as I attempted to focus my mind on God. The ping of an email arriving, or the number alert on my to do list kept tempting me to abandon peace and silence and dive into the hubbub of the day. In a moment of determination/frustration I flicked on my screen saver and was stunned by the image that filled my screen...
The swirling gas of Jupiter in all it's oranges and yellows gave way to a beautiful image of the sun reflecting off the surface of the earth, gave way to a breathtaking nebula... The words of Psalm 8 ran through my mind...
"When I consider the heavens the work of your fingers,
the moon and stars, which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?"
Suddenly it took no effort at all to think about who God is, what he's done and the pleasure I have in talking with Him. It seemed a divine fluke that my random screen saver chose such appropriate images this morning. If I could thank a computer programme I would. xc