I've had children on my mind today for two reasons...
(Noooo... neither reason is that I'm pregnant. Just thought I'd get that in there before I start squeals and victory dances across the UK...)
The first reason for my thought theme is that Steve and I have a gorgeous and miraculous new nephew called Milo George Harding (pictured above)! Rushing into the world a little early (32 weeks while Mummy and Daddy were in France on Holiday!) Milo made his debut at around 3lb and is putting on weight and strength an impressive speed. The nurses at the French hospital that Milo is currently chilling at call him their little champion as they can't believe how well he's doing. Dad (Nick), Mum (Sarah) and Milo hope to be back in the UK in early September and I can't wait to meet him. He looks so cuddly. Must get him a present; hmmm... a toy frog? A stripy top? Do they make baby berets? (Ok I'm going to stop as I'm wading into the realms of light racism :)
The second reason for dwelling on children is the title of this blog. I've had that classic song,
"I believe the children are our future..."
on mental repeat and I've decided I totally disagree with it. Children aren't our future. They're our present. Present is all we have. I was thinking on this and the rising worldwide phenomena of children in prayer. My musings led to this little post on the 24-7 Prayer Blog. I mean every word...
"The most powerful intercessor I think I've ever seen pray, was 13 years old."
Food for thought.