I find it an humbling and slightly frightening privilege/challenge to talk to people about God. I've been speaking as part of the team at Revelation Church for some years now, but the opportunity and responsibility is never lost in me. Particularly when I'm looking at such a profound and life altering passage like John chapter 11.
Last Sunday I shared a few thoughts on the account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and it felt like a week of thought, prayer, tears and conversation were reaching a head. This was a challenging one... I had to do some business of my own with God before even thinking about what from my study and prayer I'd share with the Revs family. I think it was true to say I was a little apprehensivetalking about life, death, grief, pain, hope, heaven, paradox and what it means to follow Jesus here and now. In case you missed it I blogged a little about it last week.
"I am, right here and now, the resurrection and the life...
Do you believe this?" Jesus
Obviously Jesus is pretty spectacular in this passage, but I've become a bit of fan of Thomas, and I don't mean the Tank Engine. It was the small, blink-and-you'd-miss-it role this disciple played and his ongoing journey of doubt, joy and determination that challenged me most as I studied last week. As I shared about his journey and the perspectives of Jesus, Martha and Lazarus, I was moved by the number of people who shared my reaction.
If you're interested in listening to where I got to in my reflections you can download a recording or listen online here. A special thanks to those who prayed as I prepared.