Less than a month after reading a novel about a chance meeting of two guys with the same name, life is mimicing fiction in my inbox. Today I got an email from my lovely brother in law Nick (above left) about a certain someone's upcoming birthday. He sent it to his wife, to Steve (above right) and I, and as I finished reading it I noticed that my hubby had been very quick off the mark in responding. This was his email...
"Hello Nick:
While I personally believe that everyone should have... [er I'm deleting this bit for present confidentiality reasons.] I don't think I'm the Steve Harding you really wanted to reach.
I'm an American journalist, and I live in Washington D.C. That being said, does your branch of the Harding family have any ties to Loughborough in Leicestershire? My people left there in 1832 for the dubious charms of North America.
Steve Harding"
Amazing! Who knew another Steve was just an email address typo away! OK maybe that's not so unbelievable but it's very cool he took the time to email back. As someone facinated by string theory and multiverse fiction I can't help wondering whether the two Steve's are anything alike. I know they're not the same Steve from different dimensions but what if they'e American and British counterparts! Facinating!
Have you ever met someone with exactly the same name? Were they anything like you? Oooo now I want to have a Carla and Steve Hardings dinner party and invite our names sakes from all over the world. All in the name of science of course... xc