From the 28th - 29th January (just a few weekends time) Theresa Stone, Emma Nicholson and I are going to eat, sleep and pray on a big beautiful boat with a whole bunch of other people :) Why? Well the CYE sailing centre have invited our little 24-7 Prayer team to come and lead a group of people through a weekend on prayer. Theresa and I worked on our sessions this morning and got rather excited by all the dreams and schemes we have planned.
It's going to be a cornacopia of teaching, experience, space and creativity. I can't wait.
If you're in the UK and fancy join in I think there are still some spaces left. If you want a chance to look at deepening your conversation with God by looking at who we are, how your personality affects your prayer life, trying prayer in ancient and modern ways and getting some inspiration and encouragement, then come and join us. More info here.