What can you write on a day like today? What can you say about that day ten years ago when millions of people held their breath and watched in shock at an attack and a catastrophy unfold, live, before our eyes. Has the world changed since the 9th September 2001?
My good friend Scot is writing a piece for 24-7 Prayer on what's happened since 9/11 and how the world has been impacted. To help him collate his thoughts he sent me a many others three questions. I wanted to mark this day somehow, but I wasn't sure how... so, here they are; my answers. If you're able why not tell me yours in the comments...
1. The world is reminded almost daily that everything changed 10 years ago with the terrorist attack on America. What were you doing when you first saw the news broadcasts what was your response and what changed for you that day?
I was in the 24-7 Prayer office in Chichester. We were just a small team then, unaware of how far this movement would spread. I was volunteering in my free time whilst studying at Chichester University. A friend walked into the office and told us the news. We were so shocked, it didn't feel real. I headed home and many of our friends gathered in our living room to watch the news.
2. What if anything has changed over the last 10 years with regard to Prayer movements and initiatives? have you seen or sensed an increase in prayer in the church nationally, in your region and around the world?
I don't know if it's connected but there has been such an acceleration in prayer across the globe in the last ten years. At the celebration for the Global Day of Prayer last year I was amazed by the number of movements that have sprung up throughout the last decade. God has called us to pray. It may look, sound and feel a little different from place to place, generation to generation, but there seems to be no doubt the heart is the same. We need him. The world needs him. We must pray.
3. Jesus said 'blessed are the peacemakers' looking forward to the months and years ahead what can we do to become bringers of peace to a world in conflict?
I think the key to peace is love, so the question I'm challenged to ask is "What does love look like?" Love is more than a word, an idea, a command, it's the pivot around which Jesus asks us to centre our lives. When faced with tragedy, with someone who's hurt us, with a need, or a thanks, or an opportunity, we can ask... What does loving prayer look like here? What does loving action look like now?